Monday, April 23, 2007

Illustration Friday: Operation Polar Bear Rescue

This is my vision on how our ridiculous government would see it best to respond to the global warming crisis that is threatening our polar bears. Forgive me for being geographically incorrect with the penguin, just figured they're both equally screwed in this situation. Pin It


  1. Great work Natalie! Taking part can make the difference.
    I found this link here, maybe you want to take a look at it:

    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog!

  2. I'm agree with you!
    We have been trying to rescue something that we are destroying as well.
    Your illustrations style is very clever.

  3. Ha Ha this is great very funny, very true! Great work.

  4. LOL Well, if they're from both North & South poles, that would make them bi-polar bears! (drum fill.)

  5. That's pretty funny...hey did you hear about in the 70's how they were worried about global COOLING and people starving to death because of (if I'm not mistaken) multiple nations (although it may have just been the US) had come up with a plan to coat the polar ice caps with carbon dust in order to melt them and increase global temps??? Not a joke...

  6. Yes, I find this all sad also. I think the earth is cyclically warming its self, though I do believe we contribute and need to all be more aware and cautious of how we are adding to the problem. Very sad for the animals.

  7. This is great! Great characters and expressions. Love the water wings idea.

  8. Funny! Love the swimmies on the polar bear and the eyes of the penguin.

  9. Poor little northern firends... We're sure screwing up our planet aren't we?

  10. I'm afraid it is very true.
    Great illustration - the penguin is my favourite.

  11. This is so much fun! I love that penguin so much

  12. Good one Natalie! Hmm, I wonder though: do you think our government could actually find the polar regions in order to airlift stuff there? I have this image of W. and Laura peering long an hard at the Klondike Bars at the local Safeway frozen food section. = )

  13. lol yep that probably will be congress's idea too give em each a pair of floaties. it be halarious if it weren't so seriously sad

  14. Very cool piece. Well, not cool enough. A little warmer than we'd like it. Nice work! I actually just posted a piece that addresses the same thing.
