Tuesday, March 25, 2008

iFri: Pet Peeves
As I have been short on time lately I have
terribly neglected Illustration Friday for well....months now.
However I found the topic of pet peeves much too rant-worthy to let slide so I wrestled out a quick sketch.

I have a battle brewing with the local Los Angeles road workers. Their inability to comprehend proper cone placement or peak / non peak traffic times is sending me off the deep end. And much to my displeasure the dates on the road construction signs read: 7/2007 to 9/2010.......#$%@#!!! Pin It


  1. Great sketch :)... He does look a bit like a uni student though, returning from a late night out with stolen signs and traffic cones!

  2. Funny Illo! I can't even fathom LIVING in LA let alone how horriffic it must be to DRIVE there...and I don't mind NYC traffic!

  3. gNattie, you are still the most bestest drawerer that I know!!! ;o)

  4. yay! nice drawing! wow contruction to 2010! that's crazy!

  5. that is awesome, i love the guy's vacant expression and the baggy pants. i think i saw that same guy mis-directing traffic up here in the bay area :-)
